Piece Cookware Set

Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set

Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set
Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set

Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set  Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set
16x9 cm / 1.8 lt. 20x11 cm / 3 lt. 24x12 cm / 5.5 lt.

24x8 cm / 3.5 lt. Super capsule sole providing homogeneous heat conduction. Ergonomic, hand-free, special safe stainless steel handles and tops.

Carefully polished exterior surfaces that retain their shine. The combination of steel, which is the healthiest material used in the kitchen for years, meets design, Stila Cookware Series doubles your cooking performance thanks to its non-stick handles and homogeneous heat-emitting base.

Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set  Korkmaz Stila 8 Piece Cookware Set